Thursday, March 29, 2007


Congress today approved another $95.7 billion for the continued efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan. This appropriation, were it to stand alone, would put it just ahead of Egypt for the 52nd largest GDP of any nation in the world. Stand and think about that for a second. In the stroke of just a few minutes, a bunch of old white guys just gave away the 52nd largest economy in the world.

President Bush - who should, by now, have been given another title, something closer to Furor - has threatened to veto the bill because it involves a timeline for troop withdrawl. Likely, he will veto it. His remarks today, as quoted in the New York Times, are stunning: "We stand united in saying loud and clear that when we’ve got a troop in harm’s way, we expect that troop to be fully funded. And we’ve got commanders making tough decisions on the ground, we expect there to be no strings on our commanders. And that we expect the Congress to be wise about how they spend the people’s money."

I have this to say: FUCK YOU, Mr. Bush.

In the last seven years we've seen you constantly undermine the workings of American government and subvert all it means to be the democratic leader of a free state. We've seen you rig elections. We've seen you steal from the American people to profit your cronies. We've seen you dismantle the Geneva Convention, Social Security, free speech, and habeas corpus. We've seen you lie to us time and time again. We've seen you do nothing while thousands of people were stranded in an unlivable swamp. We've seen you hand out positions to those who were willing to take your word as law, and we've seen you summarily terminate all those who don't. We've seen you smirk, and smile, and chuckle about "the haves and the have mores." We've seen you turn your head away from torture and poverty. We've seen you and your cabinet circumvent the judicial and legislative branches in agregious breaches of the Constitution. And we've seen you make us embarrased to call you our President.

We see you, Mr. Bush, for what you are. And we've seen enough.


EL MIZ said...



AO said...

everything is great AGS, except the picture...

I can't even look at this mush without wanting to vomit or kill

great work though, sometimes you gotta just get it all out in writing. positive or negative, it helps clear your head.

Wood said...

I have one thing to say about the current White House: Dick Cheney skis in jeans. It's the truth.